Sunday, February 19, 2012

Learn from the Apostle Andrew about the habits, the spiritual disciplines, of inviting, listening, and being teammates and how we can apply these habits in our journey with Jesus.

Connecting: The Habits of Andrew
Sayer Strauch
Series: Connecting


  1. The full worship service is available on DVD at the Presbyterian Church. The DVDs are in a box outside the church between classroom one and two. Also MP3 versions of the sermon that can be played on CDs in the car or elsewhere are available upon request to Rev. Strauch.

  2. Jenny and I really were struck by the reference to the boy with the small gift of small fish and small loaves of bread. He gave them willingly and watched what the Lord could do with his gifts. What an inspiration to give our gifts back to God and see what He will do with them.

  3. I was sick in bed this week and finally opened the sermon about Andrew. I felt like I was back in church. When I heard my friends reading the scripture with Pastor Sayer, I felt surrounded by my church.

    I believe that I have invited people to church and to worship (not the same) but I learned, during the sermon, that my invitation must be, "Come and see." period. End of sentence. I have, in the past, invited people to see what I have seen and perhaps they need to be invited to see what God is calling them to see.
