Friday, December 30, 2011

Grace and the Crises of Life series...

In this series starting Sunday, January 1st at 10:30 a.m., we'll be exploring what grace looks like in the face of the different crises of life:

  • 1/1/12     Crisis of Security (Samaritan woman at the well), John 4:5-15
                               If you'd like a Group Guide for this message, click on "comment"    
                                 and ask for the "Crisis of Security" guide; I'll send you a guide
  • 1/8/12     Crisis of Pain (Sick woman in the crowd), Mark 5:4-11
                               If you'd like a Group Guide for this message, click on "comment"    
                                     and ask for the "Crisis of Pain" guide; I'll send you a guide
  • 1/15/12   Crisis of Messiness (Woman caught in adultery), John 8:1-12
  • 1/22/12   Crisis of Perfection (Young rich man), Mark 10:17-27
  • 1/29/12   Crisis of Intervention (Ethiopian eunuch), Acts 8:26-39
  • 2/5/12     Crisis of Religion (Paul), Acts 22:1-21 


  1. Hello Sayer - I'm trying to remember the words of your benediction today. You said " . , , , , . . . , you have it"

    I can't remember what you said, but I definitely remember how it made me feel.

    Do you remember the words you used?

  2. Hello Jenny,

    That was special, what happened with the benediction...I felt it too! Here is the benediction from this morning:

    "Let's go from here and know that not only were you created for security...but that you have it...wherever you go. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the power of the Holy Spirit be each one of us, now and forever more, and let God's people say, "Amen!"

  3. My first reaction to the concept that God had indeed provided security in the Garden of Eden is that I am thankful for Pastor Sayers approach of beginning every sermon to a reference to the Creation and the Garden of Eden.

    I remember his reference to the Journey between the two trees--from the Genesis Tree of Life to the Revelation Tree of Life. (That has been my favorite Biblical symbol for fifty years).

    Then, Pastor Sayer used that reference again on Christmas Day with the first scripture being about the story of Christmas beginning during Creation.

    Today, he used that image again to begin guiding us through the promise of Jesus Christ that we can choose the security of God’s intention to live securely and to drink the water Jesus gives. We do not have to live in insecurity, but in a peace-filled security.

    That’s all I can handle for and prayers to all

  4. Thank you Sayer. Jenny

  5. LaVae,

    Thank you for your beautiful and poignant summary...

    Blessings and peace!
