Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Sayer Strauch
Series: Advent and Sabbath Rest


  1. Hello Pastor Sayer - Steve just helped me connect to this. My approach didn't work, but now I'm here! How cool, cool, cool! and with the video of the sermon too. Fantastic!

    I'm looking forward to this. Jenny

  2. Two people have questioned me about devoting 24 hours each week to contemplative time with God instead of being productive. They have wondered if you are really serious about 24 hours. They feel it's impossible. I find it impossible too.

    Your sermons have reminded me about the three and a half weeks we spent in Israel. The first couple of days we were there we spent in the old city of Jerusalem. On the third day we decided to visit a modern shopping mall but found all the stores were closed! It was 4 pm on a Friday and the start of the Sabbath. No business was to be done for 24 hours! A week later I went on a Saturday morning walk and the streets were almost deserted. The Sabbath IS taken very seriously there!

    Steve Carmichael
    I found out that sending this as anonymous works as a profile

  3. Hi Jenny! Welcome--this is very cool! I'm looking forward to the conversations.

  4. I think we need to explore this as a congregation--do I sense a sermon
    coming on? :^

    I can't encourage enough to stay out of the legal trap of "I have to spend
    24 hours doing what?..." and to allow ourselves to explore, even one baby-step at a time, what making space within for admiring and enjoying the reality of God within ourselves and at work in the world. I think I'll address this on Sunday during the sermon.

    My hope is that we brainstorm together and we quietly reflect on what small steps we're being given in our quietness with God in Sabbath rest.

    What does worshipping God look like? What is contemplative time? Could
    contemplative time be mowing the lawn and enjoying the smell of freshly cut grass, the spring air, and being mindful of God--perhaps humming or singing a praise song--or simply being quiet within the soul as one mows.

    Or, you're at work on Monday morning, making copies of large documents at the office copier and you are being quiet within and enjoying the reality of God in your life as you do this--what I think of as a-- mundane task. (That's about worshipping God all week long and not as much about Sabbath time, per se).

  5. Pastor Sayer - I know I have questions about what is worship and what is rest . . . nonetheless . . . I have experienced three times this week where I paused and just thought of God being a presence like a blanket surrounding me. It was great and definitely rejuvenating. Jenny
